October 7, 2024

My Ride K-12: New User Guide for Parents

Help students never miss the bus again.

The My Ride K-12 app helps improve communication between parents and HPS transportation staff and provides tools that help keep parents informed about their children’s daily journey on the bus. Parents/guardians can securely use the My Ride K-12 app to see bus stop location, their child’s assigned route, scheduled pickup time, and when to expect the bus each day.

How to access the My Ride K-12 website

  1. Using the Chrome browser, go to myridek12.tylerapp.com.
  2. If you do not already have a registered email, click Sign up.
  3. To register, enter your email address, a password, and name.
  4. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email. Click on the link in youremail to confirm your registration through the My Ride K-12 website.
  5. When prompted, search for the name of the school district your child attends.If you need assistance, please contact your school district.
  6. Enter the unique information required by your district to find your student.Repeat this step to add additional students. If you need assistance, please contact your school district.
  7. Once you have linked to a student, click on that student’s profile to see allrelevant transportation information.
  8. To share a student link with another person, select a student and click the Share button.
  9. Enter the email of the person you would like to share with. That person will receive a confirmation email that willautomatically link them to the shared student(s). Recipients must register with My Ride K-12, if they have not alreadydone so, to access the student’s information.

How to access the My Ride K-12 mobile application

  1. Download My Ride K-12 from the Google Play Store or the AppleApp Store.
  2. After the app installation is complete, open My Ride K-12.
  3. When prompted to find your school district, search for the name of theschool district your child attends. If you need assistance, please contactyour school district.
  4. Once you have selected your district, you will proceed to the loginpage. If you do not already have a registered email, click Register.
  5. To register, enter your email address, a password, and name.
  6. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email. Tap on thelink in your email to confirm your registration through the My RideK-12 website.
  7. Log in, then find a student by going to My Students and choosingthe + button. This will present the Add Student screen.
  8. Enter the unique information required by your district to find yourstudent. Repeat this step to add additional students. If you needassistance, please contact your school district.
  9. Once you have linked to a student, click on that student’s profile to seeall relevant transportation information.
  10. Press the Share button to share a student link with someone else.
  11. Enter the email of the person you would like to share with. That personwill receive a confirmation email that will automatically link them to theshared student(s). Recipients must register with My Ride K-12, if theyhave not already done so, to access the student information.
  12. Regularly check for updates to ensure that your device is running thelatest version of the app.
  13. Remain logged in to the app to receive district notifications, even whenthe app is not actively running.