The publicly elected seven-member Board of Education is responsible for setting policy for the district. Each trustee term is six years long and trustees serve without pay.

The Board of Education conducts its business meetings at the District Administration Office, 320 W. 24th Street, in the Board Training Center beginning at 5:15 p.m. on the third Monday of each month, with time for public comments. 

If you are an individual with a disability, reasonable accommodations to attend and participate in meetings is available by contacting the Superintendent's Office at (616) 494-2005.

Upcoming Board Meetings & Study Sessions

  • 5 August
    • BOE Teaching for Learning Committee Mtg
      Date: Aug 5
      Time: 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM
      Location: District Administration Board Training Room
      Calendar: HPS School Board
  • 6 August
    • BOE Finance & Property Committee Mtg
      Date: Aug 6
      Time: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
      Location: District Administration Board Training Room
      Calendar: HPS School Board
    • BOE Executive Committee Mtg
      Date: Aug 6
      Time: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
      Location: District Administration Board Training Room
      Calendar: HPS School Board
  • 12 August
    • Board Study Session 5:15 PM to 6:15 PM
      Board Study Session
      Date: Aug 12
      Time: 5:15 PM to 6:15 PM
      Location: Board Training Room
      Calendar: HPS School Board
  • 19 August
    • Board of Education Meeting 5:15 PM to 6:15 PM
      Board of Education Meeting
      Date: Aug 19
      Time: 5:15 PM to 6:15 PM
      Location: District Admin Board Training Room
      Calendar: HPS School Board
  • 2 September
    • BOE Teaching for Learning Committee Mtg
      Date: Sep 2
      Time: 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM
      Location: District Administration Board Training Room
      Calendar: HPS School Board
  • 3 September
    • BOE Finance & Property Committee Mtg
      Date: Sep 3
      Time: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
      Location: District Administration Board Training Room
      Calendar: HPS School Board
    • BOE Executive Committee Mtg
      Date: Sep 3
      Time: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
      Location: District Administration Board Training Room
      Calendar: HPS School Board
  • 9 September
    • Board Study Session 5:15 PM to 6:15 PM
      Board Study Session
      Date: Sep 9
      Time: 5:15 PM to 6:15 PM
      Location: Board Training Room
      Calendar: HPS School Board
  • 16 September
    • Board of Education Meeting 5:15 PM to 6:15 PM
      Board of Education Meeting
      Date: Sep 16
      Time: 5:15 PM to 6:15 PM
      Location: District Admin Board Training Room
      Calendar: HPS School Board
  • 7 October
    • BOE Teaching for Learning Committee Mtg
      Date: Oct 7
      Time: 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM
      Location: District Administration Board Training Room
      Calendar: HPS School Board
  • 8 October
    • BOE Finance & Property Committee Mtg
      Date: Oct 8
      Time: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
      Location: District Administration Board Training Room
      Calendar: HPS School Board

Effective bylaws and policies are at the core of successful school district governance. Maintaining bylaws and policies that reflect both local oversight and ever-changing state and federal laws is an enormous task. The Holland Board of Education contracts with Neola for these services.

Search our bylaws and policies manual.

Please note that once the Board of Education adopts a new or revised policy, it may take several weeks before the online bylaws and policies manual reflects those changes/updates.

If you have questions regarding this information, please contact Beth Kooiker in the Superintendent's Office at 616-494-2005.

Parents are often discouraged when they attempt to communicate with central office administrators and school board members and are sent back to building-based officials in order to resolve a problem their child may be experiencing in school. To prevent that frustration, parents can become informed about the “chain of command,” or where to begin the communication sequence regarding their problem or concern.

Many parent and community questions are easily and completely answered by communication directly with the educator in charge of the class or program. Each situation should be first addressed at whatever level the initial action was taken with appeals moving on to the next level on the chain of command. The easiest way to communicate is via e-mail, and a phone call is the next preferable way. Contact information such as e-mail addresses and phone numbers can be found on the district website.

On Matters Involving Instruction/Curriculum

  • Classroom Teacher
  • Building Administrator
  • Associate Superintendent of School Improvement
  • Superintendent
  • Board of Education

On Matters Involving Special Education Services

  • Classroom Teacher
  • Principal
  • Associate Superintendent of Student Services
  • Superintendent
  • Board of Education

On Matters Involving Athletics

  • Coach
  • Athletic Director
  • Principal
  • Superintendent
  • Board of Education

On Matters Involving Student Discipline

  • Classroom Teacher
  • Building Administration
  • Associate Superintendent of Student Services
  • Superintendent
  • Board of Education

On Matters Involving Facilities/Grounds/Building

  • Principal
  • Facilities Supervisor
  • Associate Superintendent of HR
  • Superintendent
  • Board of Education

On Matters Involving Transportation

  • Bus Driver
  • Transportation Supervisor
  • Associate Superintendent of HR
  • Superintendent
  • Board of Education

On Matters Involving Food/Nutrition Services

  • Building Administration
  • Food/Nutrition Services Director
  • Assistant Chief Financial Officer
  • Superintendent
  • Board of Education

Interpreters are available for families who need assistance.    

Liz Colburn
School Board President
Mark Woltman
School Board Vice President
Linda Falstad
School Board Secretary
Diane Ybarra
School Board Treasurer
Chris Arendshorst
School Board Trustee
Tim Marroquin
School Board Trustee
Lois Mulder
School Board Trustee

A Letter from Superintendent Nick Cassidy - Summer 2024

Dear HPS Families and Neighbors in the Holland Community,

There is a buzz in our community about the great things happening at Holland Public Schools. It started in the classrooms and hallways of our schools, but it continues to grow because you are re-telling the stories of great kids doing great things at HPS. Here are a few more celebrations you can share as you run into neighbors and friends during this summer break.

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Finance & Property Committee Meeting, Thursday, July 11, 2024, 8:00 am

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June 17 Board Meetings - Change of Location to West Elementary Media Center

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BOE Committee meetings will not be held in July

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Groundbreaking at Nature-Based Holland Heights

The $21.2 million project will take 2-years and provide new learning opportunities for Holland students and families!

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Executive Committee Meeting Change of Time 6.4.24

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Public Notice - BOE Workshop 6.17.24

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Public Notice - BOE Budget Hearing 6.17.24

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Public Notice - June Regular Board Meeting - Change of Time 6.17.24

June 17, 2024, 4:30  p.m., Board Training Room at the HPS Administration Building.

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Public Notice - Board of Education Special Meeting - Strategic Planning

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BOE Annual Organizational Meeting December 18, 2023, 5:30 pm

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Executive Committee Meeting December 7, 2023 - Change of Date & Time

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Finance & Property Committee Meeting December 8, 2023 - Change of Date & Time

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Executive Committee Meeting November 7, 2023 - Change of Date & Time

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Holland Public Schools Grows in Enrollment

October count shows the district grew by 44 students in the last year.


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Public Notice - Board of Education Special Meeting - Strategic Planning

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TRAILS begins in January 2023

TRAILS will help students to see someone else's perspective, to foster compromise, to treat others kindly, and to have empathy and understanding.

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