April 19, 2024

Talking to Kids About Making Threats Concerning School

When a threat is brought to our attention, we investigate it immediately and thoroughly. 

These investigations can vary with each case, but are likely to include getting statements from student witnesses, backpack checks, computer history checks, violence risk assessments, home visits (when applicable), and/or involvement of law enforcement (when applicable).  

If a comment or threat is substantiated, the response can vary depending on the severity.  At a minimum, a specific safety plan will be in place with consequences, but severe threats could lead to criminal charges and exclusionary consequences up to permanent expulsion from school.  

We also want to address the additional issue of “copycat” threats that have come up in some of our surrounding districts that have led to the closure of school. We urge you (where appropriate) to talk with your child(ren) about the seriousness of making copycat threats concerning the school. We would hate for a student, or group of students, to make a mistake of this magnitude and suffer the consequences that would follow. 

Below is a list of possible charges for making a threat against a school: 

  • Threat of Terrorism - 20 Years and/or $20,000.00; reimburse government for expenses incurred from violation (see MCL 750.543x & 769.1f) 
  • False Threat of Terrorism - 20 Years and/or $20,000.00; reimburse government for expenses incurred from violation (see MCL 750.543x & 769.1f) 
  • Use of Internet/Telecommunications to Commit Terrorism - 20 Years and/or $20,000.00; reimburse government for expenses incurred from violation (see MCL 750.543x & 769.1f) 
  • Intentional threat to commit an act of violence against a school - 1 Year misdemeanor and/or $1,000.00 
  • Intentional Threat to Commit Act of Violence Against School, School Employees or Students with Specific Intent to Carry Out or Overt Act Toward - 10 Years and/or $20,000.00 

If you see something, say something!  

The best preventative safety measure we can have in place is a community that notifies authorities and school personnel when a threat arises. In most instances, there have been warning signs.   

In today’s world of “social media” and the constant barrage of information, both accurate and inaccurate, we encourage you to share that we are a safe place and dispel any rumors that you hear.   Now, more than ever, we need to equip our students with the truth as it relates to school safety and work together to communicate any questionable behavior, conversations, or threats to those who can help.