2.21.24 | ACEH In the Community
Related News Articles
HHS Student Senate is showing School of Rock,
- Friday at 8:45pm on the HHS Soccer Field
- Bring Chairs & blankets
- Concessions Available
- Open to all HPS families
Holland Hospital is excited to invite all students, families, friends and faculty to participate in the 2024 School Nurse Fun Run on Thu, Sep 19 at Holland West Elementary School.
Students can enter the Fun Run for FREE by making a goal to improve their health! It can be a physical challenge, change in their eating habits or starting a wellness activity.
Dear HPS Families and Neighbors in the Holland Community,
There is a buzz in our community about the great things happening at Holland Public Schools. It started in the classrooms and hallways of our schools, but it continues to grow because you are re-telling the stories of great kids doing great things at HPS. Here are a few more celebrations you can share as you run into neighbors and friends during this summer break.
New goals & new leadership set at Holland Educational Foundation.
HPS will provide FREE Breakfast and Lunch to ALL children under 18 in the district through out the summer.
This week, we talk with Athletic Director Blake Muller about the 23-24 Sports Seasons, the 24-25 sports seasons, and the Summer Sports Camps that get underway next week at HHS.
The $21.2 million project will take 2-years and provide new learning opportunities for Holland students and families!