October 9, 2020

10.9.20 | Covid-19 Weekly Update

There is one new confirmed case of a student with COVID-19 at Holland High School, however this student had no close-contacts with staff or students in the days before being tested.

Number of students with confirmed positive test results: 1/4

  • 0/0 - Holland Heights
  • 0/0 - HLA
  • 0/0 - Jefferson
  • 0/1 - West
  • 0/1 - Holland Middle
  • 1/2 - Holland High

(Current / Total since 9/1/20)

Number of students currently in quarantine: 14

Number of staff currently in isolation/quarantine: 8

When a student tests positive for COVID-19:

The Ottawa County Department of Public Health will confirm test results and contact HPS.

HPS will share contact-tracing information with health officials (student schedule & seating charts).

Working with OCDPH, HPS will begin communication with students/families who have been in close contact (close contact = 15 cumulative minutes within 6 feet of another person); OCDPH will suggest testing & quarantine.

HPS will update this information at the end of each week on the district website.